BC: Pre-Budget-O-Meter Day 1 - $305 Million

Author: Jordan Bateman 2015/09/16

The BC Government’s Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services has set out on their annual pre-budget consultation tour of B.C., hearing from stakeholder groups about what they want to see in the 2016-17 BC Budget. Spoiler alert: most groups want to see a lot more of your money spent.

Many of these causes and ideas are wonderful, but governing is about priorities. Fiscal restraint is absolutely vital. Over the next few weeks, we will post a running tab of the amount of requests this committee receives. Some cost estimates will come from the groups themselves; others will be guestimates.

Your CTF, by the way, is schedule to present to this committee at 11:50 a.m., Tuesday, October 13, at the Sheraton Guildford Hotel in Surrey. Rest assured we WON’T be asking government to spend more money.

On day one, the committee had already received $305 million in funding requests. Here’s the breakdown: 

Day 1 - Tuesday, Sept. 14, Victoria

  • First West Credit Union: wants to stop the phase-out of a preferential corporate tax rate for credit unions. Right now, banks pay higher taxes than credit unions; government wants to even that by 2020. First West (BC’s third largest credit union) says they will pay $6.8m over four years during phase-in, and $3.5m per year thereafter. Guestimated cost to taxpayers to keep the current tax credit: $20 million?
  • Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce: wants $1 million for amalgamation study; increased subsidy to BC Ferries, more money to refurbish the Belleville Terminal; and a Province-led regional transportation plan. Guestimated cost (they were unclear on asks): $25 million?
  • Imperial Tobacco wants a crackdown on the contraband cigarette trade and “moderate and predictable tax framework” tied to the rate of inflation. Guestimated cost: $1 million?
  • BC Dental Association: more funding for dental plans for low-income, elderly and disabled British Columbians. Guestimated cost: $15 million?
  • ProArt  Alliances of Greater Victoria: wants BC Arts Council budget upped by $16m. Wants another $19m in gaming funds. Wants a new capital fund too (let’s peg it at $10m a year). Total ask: $45 million.
  • Art Gallery of Greater Victoria: wants money to renovate its space. Ask: $7 million.
  • University of Victoria: Wants more operating money; more money for the BC Knowledge Development Corporation; and a provincial graduate scholarship program. Guestimated ask: $25 million.
  • Camosun College Student Society: Wants more funding for adult education and English as a Second Language programs. Guestimated ask: $10 million.
  • The Federation of Community Social Services of BC: wants more ministry funding, including higher rates for income assistance and disability benefits. No specific targets were given, but a 5% boost in the Ministry of Social Development budget would cost $132 million.
  • Alma Mater Society of UBC Vancouver: wants another $25 million in post secondary funding. Cost: $25 million.
  • Canadian Fuels Association: wants to hold the line on the carbon tax. No cost – the carbon tax is revenue neutral to government.

TOTAL DAY 1 TAB: $305 million

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Franco Terrazzano
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